学术报告| From active targeting to precise targeting: overcoming the on-target toxicity
发布时间:2022-11-21 16:44:00

报告题目:From active targeting to precise targeting: overcoming the on-target toxicity

报告人:李翀 教授

邀请人:王飞虎 博士

报告时间:11月24 16:00-17:40

腾讯会议ID 225775684


Active targeting-based therapies could be led astray when target molecules are expressed on non-target cells, and the on-target toxicity poses critical challenges to clinical applications. Here, a captivating affinity-filtering strategy is proposed as a feasible solution for such challenges. We have made a preliminary exploration by using the antibacterial peptides(AMPs) as the targeting moiety. Based on the selective affinity of AMPs toward distinct phospholipids, the membrane of host cells (e.g., erythrocytes) is pre-bound to AMPs as the “filter,” which could screen out non-target substances with low affinity while maintaining effective interaction with high-affinity pathogens through competitive binding, realizing precise targeting, and enhanced stability. The practicability of the affinity-filtering strategy has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo, through systematic studies on various peptide and peptide-modified delivery systems with multiple infection models. In addition, we also discussed a potential multi-target synergy approach, which can selectively activate the don't-eat me-signal to achieve differentiation between M1 and M2 macrophages.




李翀,西南大学教授,重庆市巴渝学者特聘教授。主要研究方向为药物靶向递送的仿生策略及其制剂研究,特别关注仿生脂质制剂。指导研究生在Angew Chem Int EdACS NanoAdv Func MaterSignal  Transduct  Target TherJ Controlled ReleaseActa Pharm Sin B等期刊发表多篇论文,所构建新型脂质体递药平台技术已进入企业转化。曾获全国百篇优博和中国药学会-中恒青年药剂学奖,作为主要完成人获得教育部自然科学奖二等奖1项。担任中国药学会药剂专委会青年委员、中华中医药学会青年委员会委员、中国医药生物技术协会纳米生物技术分会委员、中国抗癌协会纳米肿瘤学专业委员会委员等学术兼职和十三届全国青联委员等社会兼职。